Medinah Shriners | 550 North Shriners Drive | Addison, Illinois | 60101 | 630.889.1400
Feztival of Trees
Children's Holiday Party
Electronics Raffle

Welcome to the Medinah Shriners

What We've Been Doing

It’s all about helping kids and having fun

The Medinah Shriners are dedicated to fun and fellowship but with a serious purpose. Shriners enjoy many opportunities to find personal fulfillment and satisfaction through supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children. There are twenty-two specialized medical centers, providing state-of-the-art treatment of orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, and burns to children under eighteen without regard to their families’ ability to pay.

Why become a Medinah Shriner?

Medinah Shrine members benefit from five unique qualities:

1. Strong emphasis on family involvement.
2. High degree of public visibility and recognition.
3. Shriners Hospital’s for Children are a symbol of community service.
4. Casual atmosphere with less formality than other Masonic bodies.
5. Expanded diversity of interests supported under one roof.