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Medinah Shriners | 550 North Shriners Drive | Addison, Illinois | 60101 | 630.889.1400

Welcome to the Medinah Shriners

What We've Been Doing

It’s all about helping kids and having fun

The Medinah Shriners are dedicated to fun and fellowship but with a serious purpose. Shriners enjoy many opportunities to find personal fulfillment and satisfaction through supporting Shriners Children’s. There are twenty-two specialized medical centers, providing state-of-the-art treatment of orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, and burns to children under eighteen without regard to their families’ ability to pay.

Why become a Medinah Shriner?

Medinah Shrine members benefit from five unique qualities:

1. Strong emphasis on family involvement.
2. High degree of public visibility and recognition.
3. Shriners Children’s are a symbol of community service.
4. Casual atmosphere with less formality than other Masonic bodies.
5. Expanded diversity of interests supported under one roof.