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Medinah Shriners | 550 North Shriners Drive | Addison, Illinois | 60101 | 630.889.1400

Fellowship Friday

May 12, 2023 @ 4:30 pm - 8:30 pmFree
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Due to very low RSVPs and the Hosts now attending Imperial Sir Bill Bailey Memorial Services on Friday evening, there will not be an “official” Fellowship Friday on May 12.  Of course, the building is still open to Members and their guests and you may still choose to gather in the Oasis and use the TVs and Ice / Soda or BYOB.  Just be advised it will not be hosted and you are on your own.  If you want to order a pizza – Casino Pizza is just1 block south and they also deliver. 630-495-8844  casinospizza.com


We hope for a better turn out and RSVPs in advance of our next scheduled Fellowship Friday gathering of Friday May 26th.


The OASIS is being used for the Ladies Patio Chat next Friday on 5/19. Ladies – please register to attend.



May 12, 2023
4:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Medinah Shriners


Medinah Shriners
550 N. Shriners Drive
Addison, IL 60101 United States
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