Medinah Motor Corps(MMC) Established in 1955 Medinah Motor Corps is a precision motorcycle parade and drill team that rides uniform late model White Harley Davidson Ultra Classic motorcycles in local parades throughout the Chicagoland Metropolitan area. We put on a show that entertains parade audiences and are a thrill to watch! The Motor Corps assists state and local law enforcement agencies with escorting large group rides for a variety of charity fund raisers. The MMC team competes in precision drill shows, obstacle course and slow ride events at annual gatherings of the International Association of Shrine Motor Corps (IASMC) and the Great Lakes Association of Shrine Motor Corps (GLASMC). “We Ride So Kids Can Walk”.
Stated Meeting:
3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm
Pyramid Room / Oasis – Medinah Shrine Center
6:00pm Practice Weekly in West Lot Tuesdays April – October
Commander – Don Shaffer
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